报告主题: Intelligent Manufacturing System for Next Generation Factories
报告专家:Steven Y. Liang
报告时间:2016年25日(周五) 下午2时20分
Manufacturing factories, having continuous pursuit of productivity and quality(效率与质量), oftentimes meet with challenges in achieving high production complexity(产品高度复杂性). These are the areas in which traditional manufacturing paradigms underperform(传统制造模式表现逊色)due to human operator’s limitations on handling uncertainties(操作不确定性), complexity(复杂性), understanding/memorizing big data(理解/记忆大数据), and time demanding(时间需求). Intelligent manufacturing systems are positioned to yield superior results than
traditional manufacturing in that they are capable of analyzing(自我分析能力), self-learning(自学习能力), apprehending complexity(复杂性领悟), and self-driven for quality and cost(质量成本自驱动). Unlike traditional manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing systems are also able to store and analyze large amount of production data (存储分析产品数据)in order to achieve higher quality and shorten the time-to-market(高质速效). This presentation is to provide a longitudinal perspective(长远观点) on various aspects of recent achievements in intelligent design(智能分析), scheduling(排程), maintenance(维护), and control(控制). For each aspect, concept, requirement, and application implemented(实施),
methodologies deployed(方案部署)are also presented along with their limitations and future
research directions. It also presents fundamental concepts(基础概念) and futuristic views(长远视角) that the authors are currently implementing in an intelligent manufacturing system for factories next-generations.
Steven Y. Liang(梁越昇),男,1987年获美国柏克莱加州大学机械工程博士;北美洲製造研究学术院总裁、美国机械工程师学会製造门会理事长、美国机械工程师学会院士,国际製造工程师学会院士,美国道格拉斯工程奖章、国际迪德工程奖章、伍卓夫学术专家奖、布列尔量测技术奖章获得者等。
梁越昇教授现任美国佐治亚理工学Woodruff工学院教授、先进製造系统Morris M. Bryan讲座教授、佐治亚理工学院终身冠名讲座教授;2008-2011年,任台湾华新丽华股份有限公司总经理(60亿上市企业)、总技术长、总制造长,曾任上海机床公司总工程師等。