学术交流:Professor Peng Shi, 游晓明教授

11月4日 上午 8:30,行政楼:506


topic 1:

Analysis and Design on Dynamical Systems with Hybrid Structure

Abstract: A large class of dynamical systems has variable structures subject to deterministic or random changes, which may result from the abrupt phenomena such as component and interconnection failures, parameters shifting, tracking, and the time required to measure some of the variables at different stages. Systems with this character may be modelled as hybrid ones, that is, to the continuous state variable, a discrete variable called the mode, or operating form, is appended. The mode describes the changes or random jumps of the system parameters and the occurrence of discontinuities. On the other hand, in order to control the behaviour of a system, we should capture the system's salient features in a mathematical model. Indeed, any model of practical systems almost always contains some type of uncertainty. So the modelling and design should take into account the uncertainty inherent to a model of the system in order to maintain stability and performance specifications in the presence of these uncertainties. In this talk, the nature of hybrid dynamical systems will be explored, and some design techniques for such systems with uncertainties will be presented.  

Peng Shireceived the Bachelor degree of Mathematics from Harbin Institute of Technology; the Master degree of Systems Engineering from Harbin Engineering University; China, respectively; the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Newcastle; and the PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of South Australia, Australia, respectively.

 He was awarded the Higher Doctorate degree, Doctor of Science by the University of Glamorgan, UK in 2006, and Doctor of Engineering by the University of Adelaide, Australia in 2015.

He is now a professor, Chair in Systems and Control, in the University of Adelaide, Australia. He was a professor in Victoria University, Australia; the University of Glamorgan, UK; and a senior scientist in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia. He was the Chair of Control Aerospace and Electronic Systems Chapter, IEEE South Australia Section. Currently he serves as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer; and a Member of Australian Research Council, College of Expert.  

 He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the Institution of Engineering and Technology; and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He has actively served in the editorial board of a number of journals, including Automatica; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics; IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; and IEEE Access.

His research interests include system and control theory, intelligent systems, and operational research. He is the co-recipient of the Andrew Sage Best Transactions Paper Award from IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society in 2016. He has been recognised as a Highly Cited Researcher by ISI Thomson Reuters in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

topic 2:



